
Lake Suwa in Nagano








⑰諏訪湖 (Lake Suwa)






This was another perfect day for our memorable adventure!
We set out a bit late, as our long-distance bus was falling behind the schedule due to heavy traffic jam. The jam dragged until late into the night, and we ended up spending total of 8 hours on a bus.

A heart-shaped ski slope on a distant mountain

In any case, despite our limited time in Nagano, we managed, for the very first time, to kick-skate around the lake.

Yes, you heard me right.

This was the FIRST time we ever went around the whole lake, and let me tell you, it was a tough work (at least for me).

(Sure it's only 16 km or 10 miles, but mind you, kick-skater is so NOT the most favorable and effective means of transportation :P)

Lake Suwa has a perfectly kept walking/cycling road along the lake shore, and there are museums and hot springs and, of course, swan boats for everyone to enjoy.

The weather was great and our conditions fabulous, but there were a couple of unexpected drawbacks to dashing through the lakeside cycling road: the fat and hairy suicidal worms and jogger-friendly cushion road.

About a fourth of the whole road happened to be the Worm Paradise where, for some mysterious reasons, the little, white, hairy creatures were risking their lives to cross the cycling road.
Some were resting in the middle of the road, others slowly moving forward like any worm would, and a few were running at the speed of light. It reminded me of the newborn turtles heading for the ocean, except those worms were moving in every direction possible.

Ace was screaming like crazy, and that actually helped me calm down a bit. It's a sort of well-documented human psychology, I assume.

Mt. Fuji faintly visible in a far far distance
And the cushion road was so evil.
I believe the lakeside road was paved so as to absorb the shock and help protecting joggers' knees, but that was just a pain in the you-know-what. Simply uncalled for. We were kicking the ground in vain, and our skaters didn't go as swiftly as it should.

All in all, we enjoyed our three-hour ride around the Lake, which was rewarded with a foot bath and the gorgeous sunset.
Sunset at the Lake Suwa

We came back to Tokyo a bit past 11 pm.
Lake Suwa, our 17th target, down.

Our next adventure will be a few-day trip to Hokkaido, the big island up in the north!

- Hero 

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