
Meeting the World Heritage: Eighth Adventure in Shiretoko

Project 29はついに北海道へ!








五湖 "Lake Five"


四湖 "Lake Four"


三湖 "Lake Three"




⑱知床五湖 Shiretoko Goko Lakes

So it's my turn to take on a sole adventure!
Just as Ace took our Project to Finland, I brought it to Shiretoko, the World Natural Heritage on the big island of Hokkaido.

My target was Shiretoko Goko ("Five Lakes"), and coincidentally enough, it was a walk in the cold rain just like when we visited the Fuji Five Lakes.

Venturing into the bear domain

There are two routes you can choose from to go viewing the Lakes: the safer and shorter Route A, and the potentially dangerous and longer Route B.
I took the latter, of course, because there's no way I (and Ace, if we had come together) would be satisfied just going to see the Lakes One and Two, when there is another route that takes you into the wild woods to go around all the Five Lakes.
Devilish root of a fallen tree

(Hey, I didn't buy a pair of brand-new trekking shoes for nothing, and I certainly did not go all the way down to Shiretoko in the feezing rain just to touch the surface of it.)

I was, I must admit, a bit scared after watching a video showing what I should do when I encountered a brown bear and braving myself into the woods all by myself with only a plastic umbrella in my hand.

So I did what I could do to prevent any unwelcome encounter: paying close attention to all directions, raising my voice saying "Hoy hoy" to let them know I'm here, and singing aloud in the rain (Not sure if Stand By Me was the best choice in that situation though).
A baby deer in the woods

Yon-ko "Lake Four"
Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet the bear family, but I caught a sight of a doe and a bambi just off the trail.

Mists hanging low, trees starting to turn into autumn colors, and everything was so calm.

At this time of the day on a normal Friday, I would be taking calls, checking expense sheets and whatnot, hoping to finish before 6, and looking forward to the weekend. It was almost surreal how such a normal Friday seemed like someone else's.
Ni-ko "Lake Two" 

The Ichi-ko, or the Lake One, is the only lake that's in the open field, and has a wooden boardwalk for those who chose the shorter route.  
For a few moment, as I was looking into far far away, I imagined the native Ainu people hunting down a bear or walking through the field. Oh how melancholy I was. 

Ichi-ko "Lake One," with misty mountains and the boardwalk

There you have it
And um...I had to have some kind of meat because that's the rule in this Project, and the only meat dish they had was a deer hamburger so...yea.

The Shiretoko Five Lakes down, and 1,000 yen donated for the relief of tsunami-affected people through JustGiving!

- Hero

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