
Ninth Adventure!: Kasumigaura

Project 29 counts 9th adventure, and today's target was Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Prefecture, north of Tokyo.
Ace contemplating...

It was quite an easy task, I must say, especially after our biggest adventure up in Hokkaido.
We took a train to Tsuchiura, which took us about an hour from central Tokyo.
Real life swans is the way
We kick-skated to the lake for about 30 minutes, and there we were in a big park with lots of kids and dogs and some more kids and dogs. We even saw a rabbit on a leash (I wouldn't be surprised if there was a chimp in a trouser).

The lake was huge, so huge we couldn't quite get the size of it from the ground-level.

It was huge alright, and we knew it from the fact that Kasumigaura is the second largest lake in Japan. It was a lake with lots of white yachts and fishing-lovers and real swans (as opposed to gigantic fake swans in which you take a lake tour) and...ok, honestly, there was no big "Wow" this time.
㉗Kasumigaura Lake(霞ヶ浦)

I don't know how Ace took it, but to me it was just a huge body of water closely tied to daily lives of people living in that area. Nothing more, nothing less.
Don "Ace" Quixote

Nevertheless, we enjoyed our ride by the lake, a great feeling we just can't get enough of.

It's a pity we're nearing an end, but Kasumigaura, the 27th lake down!!
For today's target conquered, 1,000 yen is donated through JustGiving.

The last two lakes would be in Shiga Prefecture located next to our millenium-old ex-capital, Kyoto.

- Hero




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