
INTERMISSION: Tama Minami-Osawa Outlet Park

天気予報で『午後から大雨、雷の可能性あり』と伝えられていたため、今回、初めてアドベンチャーを延期。それでもせっかく予定を空けていたので、前から気になっていた三井アウトレットパーク多摩南大沢へ。アウトドアやスポーツ系のお店をくまなく回り、Project 29用のバックパックやウィンドブレーカー、Project 29とは関係ないスパイクなどを購入。


Wish the weather kept it
the way it was...


今回予定していた相模湖 etc.は、6月に延期。

Our third adventure was rescheduled due to the rainstorm forecast in the afternoon.
Instead of Sagami Lake and others, Ace and I visited a mall called Tama Minami-Osawa Outlet Park. We cruised around Mont-Bell, Nike, Adidas, Columbia, AIGLE, Roxy, and other sports/outdoor shops, and totally ignored all the other fancy clothes shops :P
Ace bought a pair of spiked shoes, I bought a Zero Point backpack, and we both bought a rope bag to carry our scooters in.

Just so as to remind ourselves that this is a part of our Project 29, we stopped by at Tokyo Meat Rea, an amusement park dedicated to meat lovers. To be really honest, though, this was only a collection of restaurants with their main focus on various meat, with bits and pieces of trivia on meat dishes from around the world. We went into a Brazilian restaurant (Bacana Grill) and had, of course, a chicken thigh.
There's nothing that beats good caipirinha and nicely grilled chicken thigh on a stormy afternoon like today.

Meat Paradise

Their chicken thigh was an epic!

We're expecting the start of rainy season anytime soon, but hopefully (oh pretty pretty please...!) it won't rain hard on our next adventure day. Fingers crossed!

- Hero

Tällä kertaa vaihdan tyyliäni, siis kirjoitan vahan pitempi lauseeta. Katsotaan onnistuuko vai ei.
Niin, tänään menimme "OUTLET" paikka, siis se on iso ostoskeskus. Koska sää-uutisessa kerrotti tänään sataa runsaasti, me päätimme emme lähdetään jarveen vaan ostetaan varusteita, tulevaisuuden matkaa varten!

Tän päivän iso tulokset oli "kassi", me löydettiin sellainen kassi johon voimme laittaa meidän sukutterimme.Se on ihan kiva, me voidaan nyt laittaa siihen kassiin silloin kun me nostetaan junaa. Jep.

Ne kassit voi sitten nähdä seuraavan reisun päiväkirjasta:D
Seurava matka tulee kesäkuun puolessa valissä. Katsotaan mihin me päästaan!!



Targets Set!

Project 29第3弾のターゲットを、神奈川県にある、相模湖、津久井湖、そして宮ヶ瀬湖の3ヵ所に決定。



The target lakes for our third adventure is finally set: Lake Sagami, Lake Tsukui, and Lake Miyagase, all in Kanagawa Prefecture.  --Missä?missä ne ovat?...Se on Tokiosta länsipohjoiseenpäin!

They seem to have BBQ area, regular parks, and/or amusement parks established at each lake.
I'm personally looking forward to challenging the looooong slide in Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest and 315 meter-long suspension bridge at the Lake Miyagase. --Kuinka pitkä se luistelu oiliskaan, jännittävä!

Hope we'll have a perfect day for a picnic! --Kyllä kyllä, vaikka meillä alkaa kohta sadekausi. Odotamme aurinkoista päivää!:D
- Hero
- Ace(Comment in Finnish!)


Second Adventure: 富士五湖, 忍野八海




Wakasagi-nam nam!  






- Ace


This time, we took our adventure to the Fuji Lakes area, in an attempt to "kill two birds with one stone." (Come on, it's FIVE lakes at a time. You can't beat that.)

We left Shinjuku a little past 9 am, and reached Kawaguchi-ko station in the afternoon. We had no idea how useful it will be when we bought a two-day railway/bus pass. (Please please buy a bus pass if you'll ever go kick-scooting in the Fuji Lakes area, because kick-scooter alone will NEVER get you anywhere.)

Akaike Bus Stop near Shoji-ko:
Yes, you are expected to reach there without
the crosswalk and in return the bus driver
will make a brave stop on the corner.

The weather forecast proved wrong, and we were scooting all afternoon in the cold, heavy rain. On top of that, the bus schedule was ridiculously disappointing. We kept checking the bus schedule along the way, because buses came but only once every hour or two to any given stop. Also, they were never on time and some even showed up more than half an hour later than they should have. "OK," I said to Ace, "I understand that we're not in Tokyo...but wtf!!"

We gave up after Motosu and Shoji Lakes, and took a shelter near Kawaguchi Lake for the night.

Chicken thigh
by the Lake Kawaguchi

The next day started off with a gorgeous view of the Mount Fuji from our guesthouse window, and the rest of the day went on very fruitfully: We conquered all Five Lakes (Motosu, Shoji, Sai, Kawaguchi, and Yamanaka Lakes), and even made it to the Ice Cave and Oshino-Hakkai Springs. We never missed soft cream shops, had a chicken thigh, and then ended our pilgrimage with a quality soba noodle and good booze by the beautiful Waku-ike Spring at Oshino-Hakkai. Ah, the sheer indulgence!

Naturally made ice pillars in Ice Cave

Mount Fuji is not only the highest mountain in Japan, but is also considered one of the strongest spiritual energy spots in the country. Our kick-scooters are now blessed by the holy water from heaven amidst the holy mountain and vast Sea of Trees. I would say it was worth all the sores and irritation and heat and cold and every "aagh!" and "ugh!"
Most important of all, we managed to conquer five lakes AND a set of springs, which means we added six stars to our little flag, which in turn means we donated 6,000 yen through JustGiving (http://justgiving.jp/c/6345).
Nine stars and counting.
Next ride is planned at the end of May.
Adventure continues!!

- Hero