
First Adventure: 不忍池, 多摩湖, 狭山湖

So here we are, in Ueno Park, Tokyo. -Ueno Park on lähellä Tokio yliopisto!-
Shinobazu-no-ike (不忍池) is an oasis in the middle of this metropolis, and on a day so sunny and warm like this, you'll see so many people roaming around: young couples and old couples, families and friends, tourists and neighbors, real-life seagulls and fake jumbo-sized ducky.

We set up our kick-scooters, tried riding them for the good fifteen minutes or so, then decided it was about time we had a break. -Siis syömään!jeppii :D
So we sat on a bench munching on a chicken thigh and cucumbers, and talked about our next target lake to conquer.
By the way, for the lake to be certified as being "conquered," we set up some rules.

Rule number one: Eat Some Meat (Because we're 29. Ask your Japanese friend why this even stands to reason.)
Rule number two: Take a photo with the official PROJECT 29 flag (Embarrassing? Who gives a sh*t now.)

As you can see, it's pretty easy to spot us: Just go follow the scent of chicken wings or look for a person wrapped in a PROJECT 29 sign. -Olkaa siis tarkkana!-

Shinobazu-no-ike (不忍池)

What's great about the Ueno Park is that it has everything from a pond, I mean lake, to a five-story pagoda to a zoo to a museum (science, art, culture, you name it), all in the vicinity. We did not have time for Rembrandt nor giant pandas, however, so off we went to our next target, Lake Tama.

Lake Tama (多摩湖) was about an hour away from Ueno Park on train and, conveniently enough, it had a twin, Lake Sayama (狭山湖). The lakes were surrounded by thick forest (トトロの森), making us forget we were still on the border of Tokyo. We ended up riding our kick-scooters for three hours, and caught but only a glimpse of the lake once or twice during the ride.
There was one time when an old man walking pass by asked Ace, "Is it (=kick-scooter) any faster?" To which Ace answered, "I'm not really sure." It was true. I mean, we were faster than walking old couples, but we never beat bikes and joggers. Below equation should give you some idea:

spandex-covered cyclist > ardent jogger > kick-scooter-er ≥ regular jogger > chitchatting school girls
-Siis, nopeus ei kyllä meidän ala, mutta ala-mäessä kyllä tämä juoksuu...!-
By the end of the day, both of us were able to instantly figure out at every corner whether we should ride it, carry it, or just forget it. We did find out, though, how COOL kick-scooter is. It's faster than walking when going downhill; it's lighter than a bike when carrying on your shoulder; and it's a bit less embarrassing than a grown-up riding a tricycle. Marvelous.
②Sayama ko (狭山湖)

It was fairly adventurous for the first day and we conquered three lakes, which means we added three stars to our little flag, which means we donated 3,000 yen through JustGiving (http://justgiving.jp/c/6345).
 Next ride is planned on May 1st – 2nd, and target lakes: Fuji Five Lakes!
-Jep, siis sureva retki on ensiviikolla suuniteltu ja toivottavasti silloinkin paistaa aurinkoa!!!-



ルールその1: 肉を食べる (だって29だから。問答無用)
ルールその2: Project29旗を持って、写真を撮る (恥ずかしいとか言えない。言わせない)


不忍池のほとりでキュウリをかじりながら、地図で見つけてほぼ即決。ビバ 行き当たりばったり!



Tama ko (多摩湖)






- Hero
-Suomen teksti&valokuva update: Ace


Getting Ready

I'm reliving the feelings I always had on the night before the school field trip — I'm feeling a bit anxious about finding the meeting spot without trouble, I'm wondering if I have enough snacks to share with friends, and most of all, I'm hoping for the perfect blue sky.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
What began as a mere and instant inspiration is finally going to take form tomorrow.



– Hero

Ihan niin kuin kouluretken edellisen päivän tunnetta. Päästankömme perille, riittaako eväitä, paistaakohan aurinkoa...jäänittää!

Askel kerrallaan. Meidän suunitelmamme ovi avautuu juuri huomenna.

-訳/käännys: Ace


Project 29: Getting Started

This blog is about two 29-year-olds who set out to challenge something they would otherwise never even think about, to commemorate the last year in their twenties.

Hello everyone, we are Ace and Hero, two friends from high school who have, after several drinking/brainstorming sessions, decided to pay a visit to 29 lakes in Japan — on kick-scooters.

Time limit is when Ace turns 30, which will be in mid-November.
A bit of a slow start, I know, but we hope to make it to 29 lakes.

We don't know which lakes to go ride our kick-scooters, but one thing is certain: Lake Biwa, Japan's largest lake, will most definitely be our 29th triumph.

We will start our 6-month adventure next week, from a few lakes in Tokyo.

Oh by the way, it's not that we're going to the lakes on our kick scooters, that'd be more of a recklessness than a fun adventure. Plus, Hero has never tried the kick scooter before.
What we're trying to do is to feel the breeze in our hair riding our kick scooters around the lake we conquered. We go, we ride, and we come back satisfied.

What's the point? I know, right? Tell me about it.
But we didn't make a flag and a mini flag for nothing.
And Hero didn't buy a brand-new kick scooter just for the show.

So here we go, Project 29 in action!!